Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Noragami - My Thoughts

I didn't really know why I went for Noragami. Heard several friends refer to it, but none specifically recommended it. Well, I've read almost all of Rick Riordan's books about mythology, so I figured Noragami was worth a shot. My following thoughts may contain minor spoilers or otherwise predictable plot.

In the end, I didn't watch it for the myth and knowledge. I shall confirm, about everything was way more off than Riordan's goofy gods. For one, Bishamon, or Vaisravana, should have been male. Oh, Japan. I thought Kirito in Phantom Bullet Arc was enough. Clearly I am too new to these stuff.

I don't mind some humor. Some, not excessive. The first season was quite nearly excessive to my taste, but Yato does seem very natural. The others are some quite well-fleshed out characters, too. Especially Yukine. I usually score stuff by relatability first, story second, unless the story is incredibly epic (read: Star Wars). Well, sometimes I do feel lonely like Yukine.

Oh yeah, cats. Why must Hiyori's tail be a cat's?

Story. We got to see a feud between gods, then Yukine straightened up in the first half, and after that, a god of calamity. Shame we didn't get to see too much of Rabou.

Now, the second season, Aragoto, was quite exciting. And it did get quite serious, then very emotional. Well, still some laughs.

Just as I like it.

That feud escalated pretty quickly and became quite interesting. And then there is the devious scheming part, which I do really like.

And another plus: On both seasons, the fight scenes were quite nicely executed. Also epic phantom executions by Yato and Sekki. Well, I say that because perhaps once I get sucked in the story and action I tend to forget the details.

So, that show was indeed extremely interesting. Do check it out if you are into the aforementioned kinds of story and other stuff. Now, very well then, I'll be preparing something now.

Noragami is a manga owned by its maker, Adachitoka, and published by Kodansha, then adapted to anime by studio Bones.

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