Friday, July 29, 2011

Planet Colony Chapter V: One Year Track

         Ten seconds later. The Shuttle reaches the upper atmosphere. Fifteen seconds later. The Shuttle is free from the atmosphere. Without a dent. Yeah, you can do a little celebrating.

         Whatever. Back to the story...

         The President then delivers a message from the Capital the Com-Link. "Good luck. The world's fate is on your shoulders." Then, the one year journey begins... every astronaut enters their freeze chamber. The Commander and the Captain is left behind to negotiate the most dangerous part of all... the asteroid belt...

News and Infos

Well, one of my fish has died...
Yeah, whatever.

Okay, do you notice that one black fish has disappeared from My Aquarium gadget. Well, if any fish disappear or appear, it means a fish had died, or I just bought one. Fot the Planet Colony, just wait for it today!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Little Message

So sorry to you all who is waiting for the next chapter of Planet Colony... I am a bit busy on my homeworks.
Maybe I'll continue on tomorrow or Saturday.

If you want to comment It's okay for me.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Planet Colony Facts

I got the idea from space colonizing games, books and "The Universe" on History Channel.
PS. I'm not promoting it.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Do You Know?

...that days are longer than years in Planet Mercury.

One year: 55 earth days
One day in Mercury : 87 earth days

Amazing, innit?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Planet Colony Chapter IV: Countdown

          About Two years after the commence of Mission Eagleview, at June 21st, 2245, the takeoff of the new Spacelab, Destiny, is imminent. The lead astronauts that will go to the planet, named Solita, is Captain James "Astro" banes. They will try to COLONIZE the planet. So, with little chit-chat, they entered the ship.

         So, from the mission command, they started the checklist. After that, the countdown.

         "Okay, guys, strap yourselves up. lets start it. 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... ignition, lift off!"so then they lift off, and when they ascend, the chances are high for... a bang from the shuttle!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Jokes Corner

A man rides his bike. On the way, he meets another man, and he looks at the bicyclist oddly. The Bicyclist pulls over to talk to the man. The man said, "Why do you ride your bike with a door in your handlebars?" The bicyclist answered, "My bells are broken. I can't ring, so I knock."

Friday, July 15, 2011

Planet Colony Chapter III: Mission Eagleview

          It's morning in the White House. The President has just finished his daily briefing. He decided to go to the Oval Office when the phone rings. No-not the outside line-but from the closed line. It's SETI.

          So they told the president the story and shows him the clip.The president closes the phone. Then, he told his job organiser to go to Capitol Hill.

          When the President organises the event, he already told the senate to get ready and arrange a special meeting. So, he rushed to Capitol Hill.

          The President quickly told the story in front of the Senate, then, "Mission Eagleview will commence at the time when the research is complete," he announces.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Planet Colony Chapter II: Let the Investigation Begin!

          After the signal's discovery by Agent Nine, the man from SETI HQ that picks up the phone scrambles to tell the news to his boss. "Boss... We've got a contact at Himalaya Lab," he said, panting. "Well then... IF we're not too late, we can search for evidence of life in the planet. Or maybe even colonize it," the boss replied. "We must call the Number One Man in US... THE PRESIDENT!"

          But, before that, the SETI crew do some investigating at the signal. It has been sent by Agent Nine from the lab. they search for interference, proof the authenticity of the clip, pinpointly locate the location of the sound, and set aside the sound from the interference. Last, from the location, they accurately search for the time the clip is sent.

         So, they come to the conclusion that the clip... is real. After that, then they can call the president.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Planet Colony Chapter I: Discovery

        The date is March 21st, 2243, on a planet known as Sol III, or "Earth". On an isolated lab near the peaks near Mount Everest, a researcher known for his achievements at science, is watching his Space Sound Detector, or SSD, for outer space sounds. His name is Agent Nine. Nobody knows his real name. He works for SETI, An organization which listens for extraterrestrial sounds.

        Near the end of his shift, he opens his SSD for the last time. And just in time to hear a beep. Once. Twice. Thee times. Four. Five. And it repeats. It's too much to ignore. He calls SETI Center, USA: "Sir, we have a contact..."


Friday, July 8, 2011

tounge twister

Try to say this quickly:

- She sells sea shells by the sea shore, but the sea shells that she sells aren't the real ones.

Wait for more jokes and tounge twisters coming soon!

Rex's Day

Now, here's the vid I promised you. Well, I admit that it's a bit of beginner stuff, but enjoy!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bigfoot Patterson Film

This movie is the single most controversial "evidence" of Bigfoot/Sasquatch. Watch it, and you can approve or disapprove the evidence.

PS: this movie has low resolution, because it's the original. I'll search for a better one.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm Back!

Hi, I'm back from my trip to Bangka. I've got some more good pictures and maybe I'll update my best shot (see bottom)!

Wow, it's good there. Good views, good recreation, good food :) Everything's great.

I'll check for free time to upload the vid I promised you, Rex's day.

Goodbye and see you again!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

How to avoid hypothermia

A tip for you not to get hypothermia.
My tip: Do Not follow the instructions. It's just for fun.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Jokes corner

Q: What do you call someone that knows a lot about eggs?

A: An Eggs-pert! Get it?

Friday, July 1, 2011

Proof of martian life?

Is this proof of life in Mars?

...No. It's a 2-inch (5 cm) rock. Not a statue, either.