Saturday, January 30, 2016

GATE S2 - Episode 4: Getting Exciting

Now, for the first several episodes, GATE's story was not much. It jumped a lot... until we arrived at last episode's complications. Now, we get to see the Fire Dragon again, in this episode 4: The Fire Dragon, Once More. Spoilers, intentional or otherwise, ahead.

It seems like the slave of Prince Zolzal was a queen of the warrior bunnies (however stupid that sounded), captured when her settlement was razed by the empire. Now, she wants to take revenge by letting the war start by framing Princess Pina for a murder of a Japanese. To do that, she ordered a spy in Arnus to kill someone.

Now, this grudge does add another layer of conflict to the Japanese's peace efforts... if not for the events that follow will cut the treachery short.

By the way, Pina hasn't got too much screentime in this season yet. Will she be as big an impact as last season, or perhaps this will focus more on Tuka, Lelei, and Rory?

Meanwhile, Yanagida has been trusted to do the administration and the other boring stuff for Itami the Idiot's mission. What was funny, but also unsurprising, was that the general immediately consented with this foolishness. 

And then, the alliance talks with a king. Now, I'm interested on what this alliance shall bring... though again, this brings out the difference in technology, a main point of the series.

The night became quite emotional. The freed slave from two episodes ago was starting to think suicidal thoughts (perhaps their culture), just when the warrior bunny came in to kill her. And that was when Yanagida interrupted. We have a fight on our hands, though a short one. Long story short, both got severely injured.

The following, again, showed the Japanese superiority in investigating. Looks like the story may not be as complex, as it was found out that someone from Formar was a conspirator for the warrior bunnies' anti-peace campaign.

Following that, we got a rather pointless dogfight between two F-4 Phantoms and the fire dragon. Though, it's nice to see aerial acrobatics again in GATE.

And finally, we'll see how Tuka will respond after Itami told her that it was the fire dragon that killed her dad. Quite a suspenseful moment when he convinced her to pull the bazooka's trigger. I guess the revenge story climaxed here, and we shall see how Tuka will deal with it after (and will all that time Itami pretending to be her dad will be a waste, both story-wise and for Itami himself).

This episode of GATE shows the return of the fire dragon, which puts Tuka's internal conflict nearing a close (or will it?). Meanwhile, Japan's peace talks failed to be hampered down by the revengeful warrior bunnies. We'll just see how this series will progress, then, as we still have three-quarters of a season to cover.

GATE: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri is originally a light novel by Takumi Yanai, and adapted into anime by A-1 Pictures.

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