Sunday, January 24, 2016

My Sketches of 2015

Several day ago, I've shown my collection of photos. Again, I'll introduce you to several of my sketches that I made last year, so we could be properly on our way to greet 2016.

Back then, I was playing Skyrim. Thus, I figured I should draw something from there; I have little creativity back then, to be honest. I mostly (or actually, wholly) copied (but not traced) from some guy's work. Thank you kindly to the guy, sorry for not being able to remember your name.

And this was when I planned the Fall of an Empire, the Dragons' Court.

I've always loved to draw. Sadly, missed out on drawing for a while due to piling work and getting a new laptop early last year, this one I'm using right now, which I've devoted for gaming for some time. Found new inspiration in several anime I started to watch.

Kousei and Kaori's Performance
My treasured piece, of the show I love most. Took a scene from the opening, then watercolored, as the art class at that time was about watercolor. Used too little water, I think.

Crossing Sabers
This came up on a whim. I wanted to study the pose and.. tried to have a laugh. Kirito from SAO season 2 was amusing, so much so that I had him square off against Vader. Never intended to shade.

Here, I studied poses again. Just finished Shingeki no Kyojin back then, I think, and copied someone's work. My thanks for the idea, and sorry for not being able to remember your name.
Shu and Inori - Guilty Crown
This one, lovely pairing. just took a scene from the opening and detailed it.

Captain Levi - Shingeki no Kyojin
Attack on Titan. My friend, who really really likes Levi, asked me to draw him. As a facial study, I eventually did it.

My first original character, and original pose. I won't even try to do the body just yet, so I covered it with the cape. Oh, and also messed up the cape shading, looks like.

Kaneki - Tokyo Ghoul
I'll admit it. This looks nothing like Kaneki. And something's quite off... creepy.

Gazing Duty
Another OC and original pose. A bit rigid, but good enough. Tried for a more futuristic look, but failed. Also shied away from showing the face.

New Master, New Padawan - Star Wars Rebels
Star Wars Rebels, the show I love. Decided to do Ezra and Kanan, with the references from several scenes of the series. Still looks a bit strange. Oh, and it was the first time I used a 4B pencil to sketch... useful.

Trampled Flowers - Shingeki no Kyojin
It's been long since I finished SnK, however for some reason it still is fascinating enough to make me draw one more, this time of Eren. Completely shaded, though butchered the background (or, foreground).

Some more works are in the art label, if you would want to click below. And also, they are in my DeviantArt sketches gallery.

Skyrim, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Shingeki no Kyojin, Guilty Crown, Star Wars Rebels, and Tokyo Ghoul belong to their respective owners.

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