Saturday, March 5, 2016

Star Wars Rebels S2 - Episode 17: The Jedi Way

Finally, my mid-term tests are done. DONE. I do usually post this yesterday, however I took too long to finish a drawing, and fell asleep. Oh well. Anyway.

...thus, Star Wars Rebels' episode 17 of season 2: Shroud of Darkness is the perfect, perfect show to end the week. We get to see much lightsaber duels, then the trip to the Jedi Temple brought us many throwbacks to the past, and a certain little green Jedi Master... plus a certain brash Jedi Knight. Spoiler alert, intentional or otherwise.

The episode surprisingly started with a lightsaber duel--two, in fact. The inquisitors found Kanan and Ezra during their search for a place for a secret rebel base. Nice scenery, nice action, and it seems Kanan and Ezra force-pushing each other will be a repeatedly used tactic for them.

One complaint: when Ezra got thrown off the cliff, couldn't Kanan just force pulled him in instead of hanging on to his foot? But it seems that way Ezra could connect with the manta-like creatures... Ezra may be something special.

After escaping the battle via mantas, Kanan called upon Ahsoka for guidance. Ezra came in first, and... ANAKIN! Looks better in the Clone Wars, I say, but didn't expect him to show up. Ahsoka reminisced those times. Memories. But she said that the last time she saw him was when Anakin was running off to save the Chancellor, at the beginning of Revenge of the Sith. So, did she see him once more after she left, or was the end of the Clone Wars series really that close with the fall of the Republic?

Now, she said that they usually asked Obi-Wan or Yoda during times like these. As it happened, our group had met with Yoda last season, in the Jedi Temple at Lothal.

One thing that I find interesting is that Ahsoka declined on raising the Temple as she was no longer a Jedi, but the end she followed behind. Perhaps, she really could not open the temple? Well, little point, but this does remind us that she's no longer a true Jedi.

Thus, they went there, and meditated.

Once more, a nice atmosphere for Rebels' lighting.

Kanan went alone in a doorway, and went inside a Jedi training arena (or whatever it's called), a Force illusion, no doubt. Inside, a Temple Guard awaited, saying that Kanan must destroy Ezra before he turned to the dark side.

One: this may foreshadow what could happen to Ezra to set things off for A New Hope. Two: the Guard's voice and build was quite similar to the Grand Inquisitor. And finally: we have another lightsaber fight.

Meanwhile, while talking about Yoda with Ahsoka, we see him in person! Got to say, he looks weirder here, rounder face, and an even raspier voice. Full of riddles, as usual, when Ezra asked him how to destroy the Inquisitors. 

The duel between Kanan and the Temple Guard got even more tense as Kanan needed to pick up a lightsaber--which turned out to be red. Once more, this may foreshadow the conflicts in the future, of our two Jedi torn between light and dark.

And then, Ahsoka heard Anakin calling her, and had a vision where Anakin condemned her for leaving him when he needed her most. Now, he's Vader. Pretty emotional moment, when Ahsoka broke down and struck the vision with her white saber.

There were now three Temple Guards, who decisively beat Kanan, forced on his knees and accept his fate... to be knighted. This was one big moment for Kanan.

Also, the Guard was indeed revealed to be the Grand Inquisitor. So, guess he was also a fallen Jedi.

Yoda left Ezra with words of warning, that the way of violence was not the Jedi way (sort of; I took the liberty to assume his meanings), giving Ezra the vision of the Grand Army of the Republic. And then he disappeared.

And wow, they used a scene from Attack of the Clones! Amusing that it could pass off as CG. Also, recycled image from the Clone Wars.

The two Inquisitors have raised the Temple, and went inside, where they met the Force illusion that was the Grand Inquisitor, who had said to Kanan that he shall delay the enemy. Once more, lightsabers danced in a dark background: stunning.

The three ran off, but Ahsoka saw Yoda, smiling and waving at her. That's just... emotional.

And finally, Vader returned! What plans does the Emperor have, this time? Wow, this episode brought us much to think, and expect for the next few episodes. Many action, and all-around Star Wars vibe. That's it for this week.

Star Wars Rebels is a series by Disney Lucasfilms.