Friday, February 26, 2016

Star Wars Rebels S2 - Episode 16: Cooperation of the Honorable Ones

I know, I've only been doing reviews lately, but I got piling work, and the mid term is coming. These reviews are just quicker to do and is already a mainstay, and besides, I could train my writing. So here we go:

Last episode, Hera fixed up her relationship with her father, while bringing a new carrier for the Fleet. Now, once more we focus on Zeb, and unexpectedly enough, Agent Kallus, in episode sixteen of Star Wars Rebels: The Honorable Ones. Be alerted for spoilers, intentional or otherwise.

The first thing I thought about was: Rex! and: Geonosis! Such great parts of The Clone Wars. However, I am reminded that this is Star Wars Rebels and not The Clone Wars. As expected, Rex will not have a large role, sadly enough. Geonosis won't be a large setting here, either.

The Rebels approached Geonosis, seeing a large orbital construction of the Empire. Upon scanning the surface of the planet, Chopper got no Geonosians on the sensors, and thus the rebels investigated the station. Unsurprisingly, the place became a trap of the Empire's. As the stormtroopers pin the rebels, Zeb got separated and faced off with Agent Kallus. Unable to reinforce, the others were forced to flee.

The scenes where the rebels flee were quite entertaining, with the Ghost doing barrel rolls (just for show), blasting TIEs and walkers in the base. I thought we'll never see walkers in space again after that one episode of The Clone Wars.

Yeah, I'm always going to be nostalgic with the Clone Wars, even if it was only a year ago since I've watched it.

And so, Zeb got off in an escape pod, and Agent Kallus got trapped in the same pod, which crash-landed in one of Geonosis' moons.

Now, while the characters and settings are completely different from The Clone Wars, the premise is exactly the same as when Obi-Wan and Anakin got captured with Count Dooku by the pirates. They'll need to work together at the end.

However, Kallus is not Dooku.

The two exchanged their views, as expected. They needed to work together in the instance, so why not use the moment to make the other submit to their faction? Kallus asked Zeb to surrender, while Zeb pointed out that all the Empire had done were unfair. However, it all started to change when the lantern died. We start to see Kallus' personality leaking out, feeble like the Empire stereotype. 

Before continuing, I'll comment on the atmosphere once more, right away. This cave gives a good setting for the contrast in lighting Rebels have always been great in, with that glowing meteorite.

The cave wasn't empty. This cross of a pterodactyl and a lizard appeared and tried to eat Zeb, who hid in the pod. Here, their real teamwork began, as Kallus picked up his bo-rifle and fired on the dragon with Zeb. Nice and tense action, by the way.

Things cooled back down, and Zeb took a look at Kallus' bo-rifle. Here, we got to his story: where he met a Lasat that gave him his rifle as he was a honorable opponent. And another story, when he was a cadet, only he survived an attack from a Lasat warrior. Indeed, Zeb could relate to him now.

Before, Kallus seems only like the usual villain, answering only to the Emperor. But who knew he has another side, his tragic past. Perhaps, he might change sides.

They made their escape together, as two creatures attacked. They swung from column to stalactite, pulling off more tense moves. Just another great job in the action, here. Now out from the cave, the two activated the transponder and waited.

As the Ghost lands, Zeb bid farewell to Kallus, who returned to an Empire cruiser with an empty feeling. Very emotional ending, and this emotional ending shall make us think what shall become of Kallus through the next episodes.

Star Wars Rebels is a series by Disney Lucasfilms.

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