Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Grimgar - Episode 5: Unchanged.

Fascinatingly poetic title for this fifth episode, Crying Doesn't Mean You're Weak, Enduring Doesn't Mean You're Strong. And by the way, I still have no idea how I endured with this show... the story has gotten nowhere, though things have changed since the last episode's bombshell. Spoilers ahead, intentional or otherwise.
Calming background.
We started off where we left off, and from there, it took quite long to say that we haven't reached anywhere. Sure, they're shell-shocked after Manato's death, but considering the story hasn't gone anywhere...

Well, here we start to see what little teamwork they had before starts to crumble again.

We see the conflicted feelings among the boys in what's left of our group. They felt they've lost cohesiveness, goals, and nothing they can do without a leader, and a healer. At the bar, some guy who knew Manato showed up and offered someone he knows as a new priest.

Well, this moment in the bar could've been more emotional and reflective. I just didn't feel that dark vibe too much, and the untimely arrival of that strange guy just made the hole thing a joke. Shame.

Apparently that Mary girl is an even more uncooperative team member. Quite enough said. However, she did not get much screen time, and the whole 'her-being-an-annoyance' scene is taking too long. I do hope that she'll be delved in more in the next episodes. Or just thrown out and forgotten altogether.

Also, that scene was delivered through a flashback. Such a short span of time, and this caused some unnecessary confusion. That flashback part was unneeded, just telling the story in one straight plot may have been better.

Back at the bar, the legendary Renji finally appears, and gave Haruhiro a gold coin as his condolences. As expected through the spirit that Manato left the group with, Haruhiro declined that gift.

Now, this scene was also done quickly and roughly, sadly enough. However, perhaps next episode we shall have something big going on between these two groups. Well, considering the rate the story's been going on... perhaps that'll happen like the season end. But surprise me, please.

And at the end, we have some fanservice-y, emotional-ish scene. Turns out, Haruhiro and Yume both realize that all of them have done something wrong by shutting off their friends after the shock of Manato's death, which made them unable to cooperate.

Aside from the unnecessary amount of whaling and crying, and the fancervice, actually this brings this arc of the story somewhere, which is, that they could at least get along together better. Actually, by bringing the story somewhere, we now will reach a point where Manato left the group with. And adding new characters. So basically, the entier story did not go anywhere. Everything remains unchanged.

So, this episode had been a hodge-podge of some rushed scenes and some with unnecessarily long crying... at the cost of the opening song! Where will this show take us next, I wonder.

Hai to Gensou no Grimgar is originally a light novel by Ao Juumonji, and adapted into anime by A-1 Pictures.

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