Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Perth Edutrip: Day One: Arrival and Kings Park

Our school went on a compulsory edutrip. Of all the destinations, I found that the most cost-effective and least tiring (for my burning hate to sports) destination was Perth. We already did prepare for months. Well, some hectic packing for the last two days, but finally, we embarked on the flight. Actually, Perth was the least favored destination, with only two guys including me and eight girls, plus one of our teachers.

These were what I got from the flights--which was yesterday. All the following photos were taken with my Canon EOS 600D.
Shutter speed: 1/160 s
Aperture: f/13
ISO: 100
Western Australia, as I saw from above, was quite barren; nothing like the greens of Java. However, that made the expansive dendritic river systems plainly visible. As the plane slowly crossed the clear skies, I snapped a quick picture of the sprawling network below. 
Shutter speed: 1/200 s
Aperture: f/13
ISO: 100
Thankfully, nearing Perth, the sky was quite cloudy, and I wouldn't be burned right at the first day. Some pretty nice cloud formations; shame I only manage to take this rather muted shot. Haven't got the time to properly photoshop.

Then here's an interesting one: upon reaching the hotel, there was a pretty embarrassing moment. As said before, there were only two boys, so we got in one room together. For some reason, we left our keys inside to get some forgotten items from the bus and then... we were locked outside the room. The door just clicked.

What a good way to start the trip.

But we got out of that little predicament. It was already around six, so we went to an Indonesian restaurant. Probably will be the last time we got a taste of Indonesia for ten days. Then, off we went to Kings Park.
Shutter speed: 1/100 s
Aperture: f/5.6
ISO: 6400
The nighttime traffic in Perth wasn't as packed as back home in Jakarta, where the millions of cars and thrice the number of motorbikes made the streets full of blaring horns, even at night. It's calmer here, people stopping at the red light even when there aren't any cars around.

I tried to get a shot, but it was quite hard considering I was inside a moving bus, where the night does not permit high shutter speed. I cranked up the ISO and that was about the best I could make my pictures. 
Shutter speed: 1/60 s
Aperture: f/5.6
ISO: 3200
Kings Park was a botanical garden, with every tree named after a soldier that died during World War One. It was night, and I didn't have with me my tripod, so I made do with photographing the ducks splashing around dangerously close to a torch, in a pond at the middle of Kings Park.
Shutter speed: 8 s
Aperture: f/8
ISO: 100
Good night, Perth. From Kings Park overlooking the CBD at the banks of Swan River, it was quite a sight for trying out high-speed photography. I got myself a good position in the railing, and played around with the aperture and shutter speed. The result, a nice play of lights on the highways.

Just looking at the lights is quite relaxing. I bet there isn't a quiet, open spot in Jakarta to observe the night city's lights. Oh well, until tomorrow.

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