Monday, March 28, 2016

Grimgar - Episode 12: Finale

Finally, let us see how far Grimgar has come (spoiler: not too far just yet) in this final episode, the twelfth: See You Tomorrow. Having infiltrated the mine and gave Mary closure, they now rescue Ranta, trapped below. Spoiler alert, intentional or otherwise.

Whoever crossed a pig and a worm has a pretty strong imagination--and stomach.

Anyway, for some reason, apparently Ranta escaped on his own. Then the whole thing of him being trapped on the level below in the first place was useless. Also, that little demon of his is also useless, merely saying "Die, die, die!" and no other importance to the story whatsoever.

After another quick talk that they will rescue Ranta while they hate him--pretty cliched stuff--they met Ranta shambling away from Death Spots. That one is also a cliche, a boss just following around through levels of the dungeon.

Indeed, they all miss each other, as a big team they are. Think the show already hints this.

Oh, and as usual, more name-calling. 

As they climbed up, once again, Haruhiro thinks that he couldn't be equated with Manato, but now he must be the leader.

Really? This far, and he still goes on with about the same thought. The character development is quite minor, here.

And, as expected, just as they went up a level, the boss must follow. However, truthfully I didn't expect Haruhiro to fall to the pit below, and the others shall escape while he buys time.

From there, though, it's pretty much predictable again. Sadly, the final battle was nothing special for me. The injured Haruhiro just swiped his dagger through the magic guidelines, and the kobold was dead. Shame it wasn't like the usual fight scenes of Grimgar, which could be quite tense.

Well, it did bring me to the edge of my seat. An injured man versus a huge monster. No wonder he passed out.

Thus, this season draws to a close. Wasn't a satisfying story by any means, where at the end they only managed to get a fat bounty, and Mary welcomes Haruhiro back from unconsciousness--which was quite a nice scene. Then, also as expected, there's a party at the pub. One where they strangely said, "Australia!" for no apparent reason. Fitting as I had just came back from there.

Next up, the beautiful trees. Oh my, that was indeed something.

Then, no ending for Grimgar is complete without a visit to Manato's grave. It did make us think, when he returned the question, whether it was hard being the leader, to Haruhiro. It would have been nice if he didn't complain that he's not Manato all the time, and just have this scene at the end.

I wouldn't forget the art of Grimgar. Nor would I forget the less-than-brilliant storytelling. Its pace is quite erratic, moving through unnecessary plotlines then slowing down for insert musics--and art. Oh well, seems this could be set up for a second season.

In the end, a 6 out of 10 would be fitting. Bonus points for... you guessed it, the watercolor style.

Hai to Gensou no Grimgar is originally a light novel by Ao Juumonji, and adapted into anime by A-1 Pictures.

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