Friday, July 14, 2017


After another long time not posting, I should put something here.

The following is a repost from my Instagram and Deviantart journal when I graduated. To be fair, that event was done a month ago now.

My friends, comrades of the great Union of--wait no that's not right.

Hear ye, hear ye, and brace for an essay:

So, this six-year old trip, perhaps twice as long or more for others, or perhaps half as much for some, is at an end. Must I say, "Finally!" like this was some tiring, arduous, unpleasant journey that we wanted to end long ago?

Surely not. It can't be. This journey isn't even finished. Big surprise, I know. Hint: this journey is called 'life'. Some want high school days to never end from fear of the terrible outside world. Maybe some only carry the painfully nailed memories--to which I exclaim, why the f*** are you still dwelling on such trivial nitty-gritty? Still, like it or not, and whether this following opinion is cliched or otherwise: whatever happened these past years, I am absolutely certain they have made us to become the best possible version of ourselves.

So, I must thank you deeply. You have made me welcome in this school, and I have ran out of words to describe my days in Laurensia. All I could think of remotely close to what I'm currently writing is that that one quote from Sherlock (you know, that "I don't have "friends"" thing) may describe me less. Much less.

Alas, one leg of this journey is finished, and now due to the laws of diffusion we shall spread throughout the world to pursue our dreams.

Not diffusion? Oh come on, I'm very sure it is.

Our dear teachers and parents have said it all today, so I'll just add one tidbit from one Mr. Kennedy (Which I'm sure you recall from those Cold War vids), who once said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country." I'll conveniently answer that question by reminding you of the fifth point of our Alumni's Promise. Wherever you go, remember where we were raised together for six years--some twice as that, some half as that--and hurry up, carry that bounty of knowledge from all over the world like bards and travelers of old used to, and hurry up and fix this country of ours. Maybe start from that damned-to-hell English UN, but I'll not complain.

Never hesitate, never look back just to regret, and do not throw away your shot.

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