Thursday, May 12, 2016

Bungou Stray Dogs - Episode 6: A Murderous Plan

It seems we are forging with this theme of "half-laughs, half-serious" with Bungou, after last time we solved a murder. This episode six, The Azure Messenger, we shall deal with a great conspiracy, and putting the Port Mafia in the mix as well. But most importantly, we shall know our idealistic man, Kunikida, better. So, spoilers, intentional or otherwise.

This thing opened very seriously, with Kunikida presenting his Ideals. Knowing that, I really do like him better. Finally, someone with a semblance of ideals in this crazy series.

Speaking of crazy...

That magic-mushroom-induced-craze made me laugh. For very long indeed.

The craze averted, they went on a job to meet an informant. Really nothing too much to comment here, but the presence of the Azure Messenger, that the informant there mentioned. That mysterios name must mean that there's something interesting, perhaps a conspiracy or such.

Oh, we also learn more about Kunikida's Ideals: about women. Well, actually the more interesting thing was that when Dazai noticed that he came all the way just to meet the informant, rather than ringing him.

This may very well be something taken from Sherlock, with the suspicious taxi driver taking them to suspicious places. I dunno, that's just how stuff usually works. Nice job on trying to cover up its tracks, though... as we shall see later on.

Dazai could still squeeze a laugh by being intentionally annoying as usual to Kunikida. Nothing too new there.

And see, they turn to abandoned hospitals. The allusion to horror/detective movies are quite obvious for this one.

But shame again, that they put some unnecessary fanservice here and there, when they saved the woman.

Actually, the scene that hit quite to some extent was when several people were being suffocated in the glass chamber.

On one side, the impact: Kunikida, the man of ideals, was forced to retreat from the gas for his own life.

On the other side... well, couldn't they try a bit more on saving those people? And to make it worst, it seems that had no impact whatsoever the following day:

Knowing Kunikida's ideal woman was... well, a good comic relief.

This one scene was... a little off, somehow. Certainly I liked the deduction that the taxi driver was the culprit (and yes, that part was confirmed) and how his plans worked. However, I still did not get what Kunikida thought in the first place, with the very limited information from the woman, to take them to the driver. 

Oh, it turned out to be an organ-dealing organization, by the way. This really is going to be a big crime story.

The driver forgotten altogether when Akutagawa arrived at the scene, this time with only Kunikida at the scene. Extremely interesting action, as usual, though not long.

We also see his inventiveness here, when he used his stun gun to electrocute Akutagawa. But as all main villains must be, he didn't fall, and retreated.

They then got a whiff of the Azure Messenger at an abandoned building, and delved into the backstory of the Azure King, who blew himself up there. From here, with the repeated use of the word "Azure," I do think this organization will be something fascinating for us and them to encounter.

Here, one of the detectives that was killed was actually the informant's father, which Dazai pointed out. There's also a pattern here, too, where it seems Dazai is always the one to read people. Anyway, once more we see Kunikida's sense of duty, by trying to be there for the kid as a father figure.

And the episode ended when they were told to defuse a bomb by the Azure Messenger. Just great, a cliffhanger. Ah well, on to next week.

I also would like to say what a darned busy week this has been. Excuse the lack of content on the blog.

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